Monday, 21 March 2011

6th A: Project

On your project about Biographies of Historic Figures, the selected person is the following.
Alex, Ignasi: Caesar August
Marc S, Ariadna P: Colombus
Andrea, Míriam: Gandhi
Clàudia, Sergi German: Galieleo Galilei
Uma, Gerard, Clàudia:Martin Luther King
Laura, Walter, Ariadna P.: Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Helena C, Marc P: Napoleon Bonaparte
Pol, Rafa: Shakespeare
Xavi, Mercè: Marie Courier
Txell, Sergi Gz: Nelson Mandela
Helena G, Najoua: Leonardo Da Vinci
Oscar, Maria: Emmelie Pankhurst
And information about timelines:

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