Sunday, 15 May 2011

Antoher brain teaser!

I'll bring the sweets for those of you who have participated.
Here it  goes another opportunity to get the prize.

Why can’t a man living in London, England be buried in Edinburgh, Scotland ?

Monday, 4 April 2011

new brain teaser!

Which word is the odd one out:

First Second Third Forth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth

You get the answer, you get a sweet!


Dear students,
I'll pick up your projects next Thursday. Then we will start the oral presentations.
It can be done in pairs or alone. The structure should be the following:
INTRODUCTION: the person, the period he/she lived, his/her importance
LIFE: important facts
CONCLUSION: what you have learnt from this person and what you have learnt of the English language (new words, new grammar...)
It can't be more than 5 minutes. If you talk longer it will be penalised in the mark.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Guess... guess...

and if you guess you'll get a bless...
here it goes a riddle for you:

         Which alphabet letter is a part of the body?
Post back your answer!


For those of you who have to find information in the net, I recomend you use Google academic. I'm sure you'll find something more than just wikipedia and worth reading.
You can find the Spanish version:
Google Acadèmico

And the English version called:
Scholar Google

Good luck!


Here we have two presentations Sergi and Marc from 6th grade did. The first one is about Empúries and the second one about Roman Hispania. Worth checking.
Well done boys!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

6th B Porject

The pairs are:
Aina, Mar: Copernicus

Bernat, Alex: Charles the Great or Confucius
Maria: Roman Fort
Alba, Ariadna: Aristoteles
Mireia A, Marc M., Gina: Obama
Gemma, Andrea: Cleopatra
Sergio, Pau V.: Albert Einstein
Aida, Cris: Fidel Castro 
Pau F, Miquel: Lenin
Xavi, Gery: Isaac Newton
Jaume, Fèlix: timeline (talk to me at class or send a mail) or Benjamin Franklin
Edu, Carla: Picasso
David, Mireia Cl: J. F. Kennedy

If you want a change, have a look at this list and then explain the reasons in English. It will be considered.

Monday, 21 March 2011

6th A: Project

On your project about Biographies of Historic Figures, the selected person is the following.
Alex, Ignasi: Caesar August
Marc S, Ariadna P: Colombus
Andrea, Míriam: Gandhi
Clàudia, Sergi German: Galieleo Galilei
Uma, Gerard, Clàudia:Martin Luther King
Laura, Walter, Ariadna P.: Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Helena C, Marc P: Napoleon Bonaparte
Pol, Rafa: Shakespeare
Xavi, Mercè: Marie Courier
Txell, Sergi Gz: Nelson Mandela
Helena G, Najoua: Leonardo Da Vinci
Oscar, Maria: Emmelie Pankhurst
And information about timelines:

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Hello dear students,
Next week we will finish the History Folder and we'll start with the Biography Project. You'll do it in pairs. And we are going to do the pairs drawing lots.
I give you some ideas on the possible people you can write about:
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, W. Churchill, Cleopatra, Marie Curie, Leonardo Da vVinci, Charles Darwin, Galielo Galilei.
You can find information in the BBC webpage among others.
Hope you'll enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Life cycle of a frog 3rd primary

Life cycle of a frog narrated in English by native-speakers. Clear images.



Hello! Here you have a song about animals!
Hope you enjoy it!

And if you click HERE you can find vocabulary in a presentation!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Science 5th Grade

Fifth grade students practise an experiment that shows the chemical reaction that takes place when sodium bicarbonate and vinegar are mixed together. First we built a volcanoe and saw what happened and then we saw how a balloon is inflated  by this reaction. Here I leave you the pictures from class.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Hello again,
This term we are going to work about History, I post you a webpage that is going to be useful.
I'll keep you informed.
See you in class!